Sunday, January 27, 2013

3 parks 2 days!

Wow it's been a busy 2 days! Yesterday I went to Hollywood Studios for the first time! It was really neat but a lot different than the other parks. We started off by going on Rockin Rollar Coaster, my FAVORITE ride in that park. It was so fast and reminded me a lot of Screamin' in Anaheim but had more loops and corkscrews. So much fun! We then went on Tower of Terror which was cool because it's a bit different than the one we have in DCA (Disney California Adventures). This park had a lot of scenes and TONS of shows you could go to. We went for about a half a day and that was all. I liked it but I don't think it's one I will go to a lot.

Lexie, myself and Allie outside Rockin Roller Coaster

Today was very adventurous because my roommate, Haley and I went to 2 parks! We woke up early and got to Animal Kingdom right when it opened. We were both so excited because we hadn't been to this park yet! It was AMAZING, I think as of now it's my favorite park. We went on the safari ride to start where we saw hippos, giraffes, lions, cheetahs, monkeys, elephants, flamingos and many more unique animals. They set it up like you're on a safari ride in Africa for 2 weeks! It was really need because you were in these big open trucks where the driver actually drove, you weren't on a track and you went through "the African forrest and land" to see the animals, which were all up close and personal!  I absolutely loved it. Next we decided to go on the big roller coaster there, Expedition Everest. I was not expecting it to be as intense as it was, so it was really neat and super fun. After that, we ventured over to Dino Land where we rode 2 rides there and then caught the Lion King show. I'm not joking when I say this was the best show done by Disney that I have ever seen. I could watch it over and over and I would say its a must do for anyone that comes. It started getting a little crowded so we decided to go to Epcot.


 If you look closely that's a girl in the tree costume, she was beautiful!

I had lunch in Japan today which was really good! I was going to order sushi but sadly they didn't have soy paper so I didn't. Haha my roommate Lyssa was friends with Dale today, so we went and met Chip and Dale together. We also decided to go on Test Track which just recently got re done. It was sooo fast and so much fun! You sit in a car and it takes you through a room where a bunch of tests are performed. You then get to race around an open track in an open car and at one point you go 64.9 miles an hour! I sat next to a little 4 year old and his face was priceless! 

Meet our favorite furry friends, Chip n Dale!

Taking advantage of the single rider line with my roomie because the lines are shorter!

Overall, I had a great passed 2 days and just got my schedule. I am working 50 hours this week alone and only have 1 day off in these next 2 weeks. It's going to be so crazy and hectic I'm a little nervous. But the time off will be nice and i'll let you know how work is going when I can. Wish me luck!!

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