So I'm sitting here, waiting on the curb for the bus to come but it's late...I'm tired but I survived my first day!! So we started off and broke into groups with our trainer. Today I just worked with 1 other girl and we got trained in the "Market and Specialties" counters which included the bakery and the grab and go section. It was really cool because we got to sample a lot of the food such as the gelato, smoothies and some of the desserts. I had a really nice trainer named Jay who was actually a CP Student as well but has been there since August. I think my favorite part was the Gelato Bar because we have a lot of different flavors and getting to try them all was fun. Normally, if you eat on the job you get termed so everyone that was working was really jealous. We had to do some basic paper work and learn some more about safety but most of the time we would learned how to do something, and then got to do it ourselves. Today was a "training" day but tomorrow I'm on my own for where I got trained today! I think I'll be ready and it's called my support day so if I need help I can ask.
It was really neat to see back stage and see how they make everything. I don't personally make the food but I do get to decorate things like the cupcakes, I add 2 Oreos for the Mickey ears and a face on the front of the icing. Every food item has such specific things that need to be done in order for it to get put out on the shelves. I felt so important at times because when you're on stage, I was in full uniform so guests came up and asked me tons of questions and it felt good to know the answers.
Back stage was pretty big! I only learned a tiny bit compared to what I have to learn but I feel like I just finished studying for finals. Information overload! Haha there's cool things like free cast member soda machine and coffee, Einsteins bagels which is only available for cast members, cafeteria and of course the different freezers and storage rooms. I was really surprise to see how Disney really doesn't waste anything. The extra pastries get donated to the homeless shelter and the food waste all gets compacted to be used for soil in the parks, especially animal kingdom.
Anyways, I'm sure I'll think of more tomorrow but for now, it's almost 2 and I'm tired. Goodnight!